Home » Pet Hair Vacuums » What is the Best Robot Vacuum to Buy? 2023

What is the Best Robot Vacuum to Buy? [year]

There are several things to consider the best robot vacuum to buy – first and foremost if you need one. If you plan on heavy duty cleaning you might want to reconsider your choice. However, if all you’re looking for is automatic house cleaning, than these vacuuming robots should be more than enough for you.

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There are several very viable robots to pick from, all with their characteristics which you should take time to consider, and pick one that suits you the best. I’ll be introducing you the best robot vacuum to buy available on the market – and my opinion on them.

Best Floor Mopping Robot under $300

iRobot Braava 380t Floor Mopping Robot Review

The iRobot Braava 380t Floor Mopping Robot works using a GPS system for navigating indoors, until everything is cleaned. It can be adjusted to use either disposable or “microfiber” cloth for cleaning everyday dirt from homes, and it’s adjustable to either dry sweeping or wet sweeping. It works entirely on autopilot, and won’t disrupt you at all once it’s set up.

It’s quick, it’s efficient – works on laminate, hardwood, tiles, pretty much everything. The GPS system is efficient at making it clean effectively, without sticking too much to one spot. It finds its way around the house by using the signals from a navigation cube which makes the signal bounce from the bottom floor to the ceiling. If you have an extra high ceiling, you might want to invest in an extra navigation cube just in case.

Top Pet & Allergy Automatic Vacuum

Neato Robotics D6 Connected Laser Guided Robot Vacuum Review

Keep in mind that the Neato Robotics D6 Connected Laser Guided Robot Vacuum is designed primarily as a vacuum cleaner for people who have allergies and it does its job excellently. It works on hardwood, paved surfaces, concrete, carpet, pretty much everything. It can be programmed for cleaning, and when it’s finished it automatically returns to its recharge station.

It’s very maneuverable, and good at picking up dog and cat hair, but in case you need it to stay away from something you can use a magnetic stripe to tag a location as “off limits to it”. Very handy machine, if you have kids who are allergic to pets and don’t want to lose them, get one of these instead. It’s definitely one of the best robot vacuum cleaners to buy on the market today – keeping in mind the affordable price and what it actually offers.

Best Robotic Vacuum

iRobot Roomba 614 Robot Vacuum Review

The iRobot Roomba 614 Robot Vacuum uses an iAdept system for navigation around the house. As for the cleaning system, it has a brush and a vacuum cleaner installed, so it’s capable of both breaking down dirt and cleaning it up afterward. It features a dirt detector, so it’s capable on focusing on dirtier areas on its own.

What tops it off, it can be scheduled to clean up to seven days per week, or if the room could use immediate cleaning it’s enough to press on the “Clean” button and it starts off right away. Comes equipped with a HEPA filter for keeping in contaminants. It also does wonders for hardwood floors. Would recommend as I own one myself, either this model or the advanced Roomba models.

Best Robotic Vacuum for Pets and Allergies

iRobot Roomba E5 (5150) Robot Vacuum Review

The iRobot Roomba E5 (5150) Robot Vacuum combines the best of the best, the high capability as a vacuum cleaner robot and the HEPA filter which blocks out all of the contaminants out – and it filters air in the process, making it fresher. It’s very adept at picking up hair, from both men and animals, and it comes with an advanced power management system that makes it much more energy efficient than most Roomba models or any other cleaning robots for that matter.

The iRobot Roomba E5 (5150) Robot Vacuum has additional sensors making it more accurate, so it’s somewhat superior to its predecessor. Both are programmable to a very similar extent but run into troubles around bed and table legs sometimes, unless the areas are “Roomba proofed”.

See more robotic vacuums Amazon.com, click here

All in all, these are great little devices to assist you in cleaning the house, as they do most of the vacuuming work by themselves. They require a little bit of maintaining every once in a while but are fairly autonomous once they are set up.

Your pets will love them and they make a very neat asset to every home – what’s not to like about a robotic cleaning helper?