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Best Robotic Vacuum on the Market [year]

Cleaning of floors in our homes is a task in which some of us love while others hate. Today this task has been made easier with the invention of robotic vacuum cleaners. Choosing the best robotic vacuum on the market makes it easier and the results are much better. Whether you have carpets, hard floor or mixture of both, you have to find the right appliance that suits your home.

See the best-selling robotic vacuums on Amazon here

The earliest vacuum cleaner market was dominated by handful of brands with limited features and options. In today’s market there are a dozens of advanced robotic vacuum cleaners available to consumers.

The robotic vacuum cleaners are programmed to perform several cleaning patterns, including hugging the walls or moving in a grid or spiral. In this article we are going to review the best robotic vacuum on the market in [year].

Best Robotic Vacuum for the Money

Neato Robotics D6 Connected Laser Guided Robot Vacuum Review

The Neato Robotics D6 Connected Laser Guided Robot Vacuum does a great job in keeping your floor tidy with little human effort. It is just more than a toy are a novelty. The Neato D6 vacuum runs a back and forth cleaning pattern which mimics how most people use the traditional upright vacuum cleaners. It uses a laser smart mapping and navigation technology. This unit measures the dimension of every room and remembers the location of the obstacles such as legs, tables and other furniture.

The vacuum has two stage filtration systems. The dirt picked from the vacuum passes through air filters, capturing fine sand particles. It is equipped with cleaning brushes which allows it to agitate and lift clingy pet hair. Its powerful suction motor help lift the dirt that the brushes have loosened.

The vacuum comes with a cliff sensor which prevents it from falling from the stairs. When the cliff sensors detect a drop it turns around.

Best Robotic Vacuum for Pets and Allergies

iRobot Roomba E5 (5150) Robot Vacuum Review

The iRobot Roomba E5 (5150) Robot Vacuum is the company’s latest and greatest; it is the flagship of iRobot 700. The Roomba 780 can clean the dirty tight spots which you couldn’t reach before. The back and forth cleaning pattern can sense the areas which needs extra attention.

Roomba as the ability to return to its home base dock and recharge between cleans so that it can be ready when needed. It uses the advanced management software that provides up to 50%longer battery life than the previous Roomba vacuum cleaners.

The household appliances are protected with iRobot Roomba E5 Robot Vacuum. It is mounded with soft touch bumper which cushions any contact it makes with obstacles. It is keen to stress the dirt detect series 2. It uses the acoustic sensor to detect small dirt such as sand.

Top Pet & Allergy Automatic Vacuum

Neato Robotics Neato D8 Intelligent Robot Vacuum Review

The Neato Robotics Neato D8 Intelligent Robot Vacuum uses a mapping technology known as Room Positioning System. This unit measures the dimension of each room remembers the location of each object. If a new object is introduced it adds its location to the map.

Unlike the Roomba 780, the Neato Robotics Neato D8 does not have the power saving settings, but provides instructions on how to extend the battery life.

The Neato Robotics Neato D8 Intelligent Robot Vacuum as the power to handle various floor materials, from hardwood to tile. It does a better job than the other vacuum cleaners.

The additional feature which makes it perfect is the Room Position System. When the battery life is at premium, the vacuum needs to work effectively. It also comes with a remote which can be overridden to handle emergencies or re-clean dirty areas.

Best Floor Mopping Robot under $300

iRobot Braava 380t Floor Mopping Robot Review

As we’ve already known the iRobot makes mean robot vacuum cleaners and the iRobot Braava 380t Floor Mopping Robot is no different. It has no suction no brush roll and no bin. The irobot calls it a floor mopping robot. It does cleaning with reusable or disposal cloths, dry or wet.

The Braava’s main work is to clean tirelessly. With its 2 modes to select from which are mop and sweep mode mode. In sweep mode it can dry mops, pick up dust and hair, while in mop mode, it damp mops, lifting the surface dirt. The Braava can clean your room without any noise. Like the pro- clean system a cleaning pad dispense liquid through the cleaning cycle hence consistently refreshing microfiber cloth with the fresh fluid. This system is included in the Braava 380t.

Click here to view the best robotic vacuums on Amazon.com